Stenice Slovenije
© Andrej Gogala
Welcome to the web presentation of the
true bugs of Slovenia. Here you can find data on the presence and distribution
of the 755 species in our country, based on specimens present in collections
of the Slovenian
Museum of Natural History (PMSL).
True bugs are characterised by their mouthparts forming a rostrum, with which
they suck plant or animal tissues, liquidised by their enzimes. True bugs are
a very diverse group, living in all sorts of terrestrial and fresh water
habitats. Insects of the suborder Heteroptera (order Hemiptera) are
classified into infraorders listed below.
Dobrodošli na spletni predstavitvi
stenic Slovenije. Tu lahko najdete podatke o prisotnosti in razširjenosti 755
vrst v državi, temelječe na primerkih iz zbirk Prirodoslovnega muzeja
Slovenije. Za stenice je značilen kljunec, oblikovan iz obustnih okončin,
s katerim sesajo rastlinska ali živalska tkiva, vtekočinjena z njihovimi
encimi. Stenice so zelo raznovrstna skupina in živijo v različnih
kopenskih in sladkovodnih življenjskih okoljih. Žuželke podreda Heteroptera
(red Hemiptera) razvrščamo v infraredove, navedene spodaj.