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 travniške stenice


Dimorphocoris saulii Wagner, 1965

Dimorphocoris schmidti (Fieber, 1858)

Halticus henschii Reuter, 1888

Cyllecoris histrionius (Linnaeus, 1767)

Heterocordylus farinosus Horváth, 1887

Heterotoma merioptera (Scopoli, 1763)

Platycranus boreae Gogala, 2002


The family Miridae is the largest in the subordo Heteroptera. Mirids are mostly phytophagous, but many of them enrich their diet with animal food. Some are even obligatory predators of aphids, scale insects and other small arthropods, their eggs and larvae. Some are used in biological pest control, while some others could be pests.

Družina Miridae je največja v podredu Heteroptera. Travniške stenice so večinoma rastlinojede, toda mnoge obogatijo svojo prehrano z živalsko hrano. Nekatere so celo obvezni plenilci rastlinskih uši, kaparjev in drugih majhnih členonožcev, njihovih jajc in ličink. Nekatere vrste se uporabljajo v biološkem zatiranju škodljivcev, nekatere druge pa lahko nastopajo kot škodljivci.

Heteroptera of Slovenia



Dimorphocoris saulii Wagner, 1965

Female in her habitat.


Host plant: Bromus condensatus (Poaceae).

Endemic species, living exclusively in the dry grasslands on the Mountain Vremščica, 800-930 m a.s.l. It would be endangered by the development in its habitat or by afforestation of the grasslands.

Records from Slovenia:

Wagner, 1965: Illyrien: Auremiano bei Triest (= Vremščica: holotype); Wagner, 1969: Mt. Auremiano (= Vremščica); Tamanini, 1982; Linnavuori, 1992; M. Gogala, 1992; A. Gogala, 1994, 2006; Vlach, 1998