Museum of Natural History,
Trigona (Tetragonula) melina Gribodo, 1893
Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Ulu Gombak,
May 1996 (worker female)
Stingless bees are
small, highly social bees of the tropical forests. They live in perennial
colonies, like honeybees.
Neželate čebele so majhne
čebele tropskih gozdov z visoko razvito družbenostjo. Živijo v trajnih
družinah, kot medonosne čebele.
Stingless bee workers build
entrance tube leading to their nest in the ground or in the tree trunk. The
shape of the entrance tube is species-specific and built from cerumen, mixture
of resin and wax. Ulu Gombak, photo Matija Gogala.
Delavke neželatih čebel
zgradijo vhodno cevko, ki vodi do njihovega gnezda v tleh ali drevesnem duplu.
Oblika vhodne cevke je vrstno značilna in zgrajena iz cerumna, mešanice
smole in voska. Foto Matija Gogala.
Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije