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Female from Famlje, Kras, collected in July
1999. |
Halictus smaragdulus Vachal, 1895 West Palaearctic species. In the sub-Mediterranean and pre-Alpine
regions of Slovenia. Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground,
excavated by itself. Social species. Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from June. |
Male from
Črnuče near Ljubljana, collected in July 1993. |
Genitalia of the
male from Črnuče from the underside. |
et al. (2015) described five cryptic species beside H.
(Seladonia) smaragdulus in Europe. The genitalia of the male from Črnuče confirm
the presence of H. smaragdulus in
Slovenia. |
Razširjenost vrste v Sloveniji. Na Krasu,
pri Ajdovščini in ob Savi pri Ljubljani. |
Gogala: Bee fauna of Slovenia