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Female on Pulsatilla
grandis. Ponikva, Šentjur pri Celju, March 2006. |
Halictus scabiosae (Rossi, 1790) Mediterranean species. In the sub-Mediterranean and
sub-Pannonian regions of Slovenia. Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by
itself. Social species. Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July. |
Worker female on Leontodon.
Brje pri Komnu, Kras, August 1990. |
A. Gogala, 1991: Initiation of new
nests in H. s. (*pdf) A. Gogala, 1990: |
Males during a
collective night rest. Butari, Istra, September 1998. |
Razširjenost vrste v Sloveniji. Na
Primorskem in Štajerskem. |
Gogala: Bee fauna of Slovenia