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Female on Calluna
vulgaris. Radensko polje, Vel. Račna, August 2011 (above and below). |
Colletes succinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) Palaearctic species. In pre-Alpine, pre-Dinaric and
sub-Pannonian regions of Slovenia. Oligolectic, specialized on Calluna
(Ericaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Univoltine. Flies in August and September. |
Male on Calluna
vulgaris. Radensko polje, Vel. Račna, August 2011. |
Female from Sp.
Brnik, collected in August 1993. |
Razširjenost vrste v Sloveniji. V zadnjih letih je postala redkejša. |
Gogala: Bee fauna of Slovenia