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Female on Hedera helix. Škofi, Kras,
October 1996. |
Colletes hederae Schmidt & Westrich, 1993 North Mediterranean species. In the sub-Mediterranean region of
Slovenia and at the Cerknica lake. Oligolectic, specialized on Hedera
helix (Araliaceae). The males visit mainly Apiaceae. Univoltine. Flies from August to October. |
Female in front of the nest entrance. Vale,
Kras, October 1996. |
Male on Eryngium amethystinum. Golec,
Lukovec, Kras, August 2006. |
In absence of their preferred food-plant,
oligolectic bees can find an alternative source of pollen and nectar. A
female (above) and male (below) on Melilotus alba. Fontanigge,
Sečovlje salt-pans, Istra, August 2008. |
Razširjenost vrste v Sloveniji. Na Krasu in v Istri pogosta vrsta. |
Gogala: Bee fauna of Slovenia