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Female on Chamaenerion angustifolium. Krvavec, 1800 m, August 2010 (above and below).


Bombus monticola (Smith, 1849)



Boreomontane species, distributed in the Alpine region of Slovenia. The find in Kozina in 1894 is surprising.

Polylectic social species. Nests in abandoned mouse nests or in cavities.



Male on Rhododendron hirsutum. Presedljaj, 1615 m, July 2011 (above and below).



Female from Mt. Komen, 1650 m, Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, collected in May 1999 (above and below).



Razširjenost vrste v Sloveniji.

V Alpah. Najdba v Kozini leta 1894 je presenetljiva.


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Andrej Gogala: Bee fauna of Slovenia